Windows TIFF IFilter

WINDOWS TIFF Filter provided an opportunity to search for documents TIFF, based on the text contents. Vindous TIFF Filter performs loading optical character recognition and image processing TIFF, and then provides the text that has turned out to build a search index.
WINDOWS TIFF Filter will search for documents which contain clearly identifiable text and less successful for those documents that contain mixed content. Mixed languages ​​and images of poor quality adversely affect the handling of OCR. And the quality of search results is reduced.
WINDOWS TIFF Filter can support all documents TIFF, certain specifications Adobe TIFF Revision 6.0, and include common formats, and uncompressed formats.
Since the OCR - the action that consumes a lot of time Vindous TIFF IFilter is not installed by default on OS is windows is windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 and TIFF files will be indexed based on the basic properties of the file (the file name, date of change). Customers who are looking for TIFF files based on text content, can set Vindous TIFF Filter with the help of this guide.
Set in the Vindous TIFF Filter is windows 7 In order to establish a TIFF Filter is windows 7 is windows in the perform the following steps: Click on "Start" button to open the menu opens, "Control Panel", select from the list of control panel components "Programs and Features." Go to the link "Enable or disable components Vindous".
Set the checkbox for the option "Filter Vindous TIFF IFilter»
Click on "OK" button.
After completing these three steps, the new TIFF image, added in a directory that will be indexed by its content. They will not be indexed by t as long as you do not rebuild the index, as described below, if the indexed directories already exist TIFF image. For etogonuzhno:
Click on "Start" button, type "Indexing Options" in the search for "Start" menu and click on press ENTER.
Click on the "Advanced" and then select the command "Rebuild".
Settings for TIFF Filter Vindous
For installation of optical character recognition of preferred languages
This setting allows you to select the language character recognition, belonging to one of the supported code pages. The selected languages ​​are used when performing OCR indexing TIFF-files if this option is active. While language is a system that is used by default, not as a language OCR is selected, it will be ignored. If this policy setting is disabled or is not specified, use only the language of the system, which is used by default.
Must belong to all the selected code page recognition languages. All other languages ​​are ignored, if you choose the languages ​​that belong to different code pages, and use only the language of the system, which is selected by default.

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