Create a group home within a home network, it is possible only on a computer and other computers can only join established. First you need to check additional sharing settings and configure the network adapter:
Open the window "Network and Sharing" and go to "Change adapter settings" and enter the command rundll32.exe shell32.dll,
Control_RunDLL ncpa. cpl in the "Open" dialog box "Run".
On the network adapter, click the right mouse button and select the "Properties", positioned between the check boxes for
"service to access files and printers, networks Maykrosovt", "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)» and click "OK", in
"Control Center Network and Sharing "turn on" Change advanced sharing settings "and set the switches next to the option"
Enable network discovery "," Enable file sharing and printer sharing "and" Allow Vindous manage your home group. "
Sozdovaya home group, you may see a notice when your network location is not a "home network", so you be certain that your network is the location of the home network. If your computer is part of a domain, you can not create a private group or join established.
Now create a private group.
Open the window of a home group:
Click "Start", open "Control Panel", select "Home Group" from the list of control panel components. In the "Home Group" click on "Create a home group";
In the notification area, click the right mouse button and choose the command "control center and network shared." In the "Network and Sharing," go to "Choosing a home group and share options" and click on "Create a private group."
Open the "Windows Explorer is windows" in the navigation menu vyberaem section "Home Group" and click "Create a home group."
You need to select the items that can be accessed in the home group in the first step of the wizard to create a homegroup. These include the printer installed on the computer and the library started by the operating system by default. Allow and deny access to the element can be by checking the box next to the item. After you click on the "Next" and HomeGroup wizard will create and set up this group automatically.
When the process of creating a home is completed, the OS will generate a secure password for the home team. I recommend to write down your password, use the link that is located under the password field. And click on "Finish". There are two services to create and connect your home group: the home listener groups performed in the file svchost.exe, (name of the LocalSystem). He is responsible for the actions of creating and managing a group of HomeUsers Security Group; provider of home made in the file svchost.exe, (name of the LocalSystem), is responsible for the actions that change the computer that are associated with the creation, configuration, or maintenance of the home team. Main tasks: identify computers, monitors network connections, or the provision of information in a conductor is windows of the home group, etc.
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